C Y LEE / The Flower Drum Song First Edition Shipped with USPS Media www.doorway.ru Rating: % positive. · Overview. Originally published in , The Flower Drum Song was a groundbreaking work of popular literature. An immediate bestseller, it inspired the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. This charming, bittersweet tale of romance and the powerful bonds of family tells the story of Wang Ta, who wants what every young American man wants: a great career and a woman to www.doorway.ru: Penguin Publishing Group. For some reason, when great Asian authors and literature are discussed, C.Y. Lee's "Flower Drum Song" is not part of the equation. This is a pity, really. Lee takes an honest look at Chinese-American cultural mores in San Francisco's Chinatown (where he lived at one point), including the problems caused by immigration quotas and anti-miscegenation laws/5(62).
Hwang wrote a new book for the revival of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Flower Drum Song, which premiered in He lives in New York City. The Flower Drum Song. by C. Y. Lee. Table of Contents. Author's Note. In the late forties, Chinatown in Los Angeles was a roofed bazaar the size of two football fields. C.Y. Lee in Mr. Lee, the author of "The Flower Drum Song," about life among new arrivals in Chinatown in San Francisco, was one of the first Asian novelists to find commercial success in. Originally published in , The Flower Drum Song was a groundbreaking work of popular literature. An immediate bestseller, it inspired the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. This charming, bittersweet tale of romance and the powerful bonds of family tells the story of Wang Ta, who wants what every young American man wants: a great career and a woman to love.
The flower drum song by Lee, C. Y. Publication date Topics Chinese American women. We were searching for our own literary history, works neither white American nor foreign Asian, but specifically Asian American. Writers and scholars rediscovered John Okada’s No No Boy () and Louis Chu’s Eat a Bowl of Tea (). C.Y. Lee’s The Flower Drum Song (), however, was neither reclaimed nor celebrated. C Y LEE / The Flower Drum Song First Edition Shipped with USPS Media Mail.