· The Field by John B Keane. The Field is John B. Keane's fierce and tender study of the love a man can have for land and the ruthless lengths he will go to in order to obtain the object of his desire. It is dominated by Bull McCabe, one of the most famous characters in Irish writing today/5. · The Field is John B. Keane's fierce and tender study of the love a man can have for land and the ruthless lengths he will go to in order to obtain the object of his Free shipping over $ Buy a cheap copy of The Field book by John Brendan Keane.5/5(2). Editions for The Field: (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (Paperback published in ), (publish.
The murder that inspired Keane's 'The Field'. The death of elderly farmer Moss Moore in rural Kerry caused a sensation in Concluding our Unsolved series, John Meagher visits the scene. It is. JOHN B Keane, the legend of Listowel, has died after a long battle against cancer. T he year-old playwright, poet, publican and raconteur spent his life chronicaling the changes in Irish rural. This is an excellent film, from , starring Richard Harris, John Hurt and Sean Bean. The story is about an Irish farmer (Harris) whose family has, for many years, rented a field - ensuring that it's well cultivated and productive. The owner of the field has died, and it's now for sale by public auction.
The Field book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Three Plays book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. In The Year of the Hiker, an absentee father sends shock waves through his fam. Language: En, Es, Fr De. GET BOOK. The Field is John B. Keane's fierce and tender study of the love a man can have for land and the ruthless lengths he will go to in order to obtain the object of his desire. It is dominated by Bull McCabe, one of the most famous characters in Irish writing today.