· Nana jako modla všech mužů. Nana jako nestoudná děvka, která se prochází po hlavách pařížanů a vlastní tíhou drtí vše, čeho se dotkne. Tak by se dala shrnout celá kniha. Zola je dobrý autor, ovšem zdá se mi příliš jednotvárný/5(). This clear and detailed page reading guide is structured as follows: Biography of Émile Zola Presentation of Nana Summary of Nana Character study Nana (Anna Coupeau) Nana’s family and servants Count Muffat Satin High society Analysis of Nana Naturalism Depicting different worlds Social criticism Writing methods About Nana Nana was first published in and is the ninth novel in Collection: www.doorway.ru Title: Nana Author: Émile Zola First Publication: Project Gutenberg Nana (free download, sadly only in French) Or find it at The Book Depository. Zola is one of the big guys in naturalism, and Nana is one of his most “shocking” books. I can totally see why Nana would be shocking for Zola’s contemporaries. The main character is a prostitute, though she doesn’t see herself as one most of the .
Nana is my least favourite of the Rougon Macquart novels - although I appreciate what Zola was trying to do. I read the Douglas Parmee translation for Oxford World's Classics, and I was intrigued to see that there is a new translation - by Helen Constantine - out this year, also by Oxford. Nana byla první knihou série Rougon-Macquart, kterou jsem přečetla. A i když mi tenkrát bylo 13 a nemohla jsem přijít na to, čím se to ta Nana vlastně živí, byla jsem Zolovým stylem unesena. Prostě „přírodopisná a sociální studie jedné rodiny za druhého císařství" jak je celek uváděn, mě chytl a už nepustil. Nana Por Émile Zola. Capítulo primero A las nueve, la sala del teatro Varietés aún estaba vacía. Algunas personas esperaban en el anfiteatro y en el patio de butacas, perdidas entre los sillones de terciopelo granate y a la media luz de las candilejas. Una sombra velaba la.
Nana is a novel by the French naturalist author Émile www.doorway.ruted in , Nana is the ninth installment in the volume Les Rougon-Macquart series. En esta ocasión vamos a comentar la novela Naná de Émile Zola que forma parte de la saga familiar los Rougon-Macquart, donde todos los miembros tienen taras. Title: Nana Author: Émile Zola First Publication: Project Gutenberg Nana (free download, sadly only in French) Or find it at The Book Depository. Zola is one of the big guys in naturalism, and Nana is one of his most “shocking” books. I can totally see why Nana would be shocking for Zola’s contemporaries. The main character is a.