Myron; a novel by Vidal, Gore, Publication date Topics Motion picture industry Publisher New York, Random House Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate Boxid IAUser Interaction Count: Today author Gore Vidal is mostly known for his Narratives of Empire series of seven novels on American history published between and These books (Burr, Lincoln, , Empire, Hollywood, Washington, D.C., and The Golden Age) tell the history of the American Empire through the lives of two fictional families and their interactions with real figures in American history/5. Vidal opts instead for (1) ushering Myron into Hollywood proper in , where he tries to find his way back to the present, and (2) having him turn back into Myra in alternate chapters, as kinky as Myron is straight, and hell-bent on remaining in so that she can revolutionize the world via Hollywood and build the bisexual utopia prophesied in her own book — by altering details in the production of Siren of .
Myra Breckinridge is a satirical novel by Gore Vidal written in the form of a www.doorway.rubed by the critic Dennis Altman as "part of a major cultural assault on the assumed norms of gender and sexuality which swept the western world in the late s and early s", the book's major themes are feminism, transsexuality, American expressions of machismo and patriarchy, and deviant sexual. Myron by Vidal, Gore and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at - Myron: a Novel by Vidal, Gore - AbeBooks Skip to main content. Vidal came from a distinguished political lineage; his grandfather was the senator Thomas Gore, and he later became a relation (through marriage) to Jacqueline Kennedy. Vidal ran for political office twi Eugene Luther Gore Vidal was an American writer known for his essays, novels, screenplays, and Broadway plays.
out of 5 stars Myron is a poor sequel to Myra Breckenridge: daied with ancient political satire Reviewed in the United States on Decem Parts of Myron are great if you are film buff, and I don't care if it reflects (and Gore Vidal was a very good writer) his preference for male behinds, his political satire dated and most of the book is an bad excuse for dated political preaching. Myron is a novel by American author Gore Vidal, published in It was written as a sequel to his bestseller Myra Breckinridge. The novel was published shortly after an anti-pornography ruling by the Supreme Court ; Vidal responded by replacing the profanity in his novel with the names of the Justices involved (e.g., "He thrust his enormous Rehnquist deep within her Whizzer White ", etc.). Today author Gore Vidal is mostly known for his Narratives of Empire series of seven novels on American history published between and These books (Burr, Lincoln, , Empire, Hollywood, Washington, D.C., and The Golden Age) tell the history of the American Empire through the lives of two fictional families and their interactions with real figures in American history.