In a slightly futuristic, polluted world, fourteen-year-old Bryn watches an ancient egg hatch, and her life changes forever. Like her family before her, Bryn can "ken" with birds, so at first she doesn't understand why she relates to what appears to be a lizard. Then she realizes that . About the author. Susan Fletcher is the acclaimed author of Journey of the Pale Bear; as well as the Dragon Chronicles, composed of Dragon’s Milk, Flight of the Dragon Kyn, Sign of the Dove, and /5(9). · Synopsis. Expand/Collapse Synopsis. In a slightly futuristic, polluted world, fourteen-year-old Bryn watches an ancient egg hatch, and her life changes forever. Like her family before her, Bryn can “ken” with birds, so at first she doesn’t understand why she relates to what appears to be a lizard.5/5(3).
Interview with Susan Fletcher about Ancient, Strange, and Lovely. Created by Euphoria View on Euphoria Share. Books by Susan Fletcher 8. Ancient, Strange, and Lovely. by Susan Fletcher. 6 Resources1 Award. Add to Reading List Share this Book. Corrag. by Susan Fletcher. 5 Resources. Buy a cheap copy of Ancient, Strange, and Lovely book by Susan Fletcher. Bryn's world is out of kilter. Pollution is causing weird weather and diseases that her mom, a scientist, was working to fix. But Mom disappeared on a research Free Shipping on all orders over $ 1) Dragon's Milk (Oct) 2) Flight of the Dragon Kyn (Nov) 3) Sign of the Dove (May) 4) Ancient, Strange, and Lovely (Oct) Award-Winning Books by Susan Fletcher Alphabet of Dreams Oregon Book Award -- Young Adult Dragon's Milk Oregon Book Award -- Young Readers Eve Green Costa Book Award -- First Novel.
Things get seismic strange when Bryn discovers a huge egg in a box of her mother’s stuff—and it’s hatching. What emerges is a big baby lizard, and Bryn can sense its feelings, as she can with birds. Bryn guesses the lizard is a cryptid—an ancient species thought to be extinct. Susan Fletcher is the acclaimed author of Journey of the Pale Bear; as well as the Dragon Chronicles, composed of Dragon’s Milk, Flight of the Dragon Kyn, Sign of the Dove, and Ancient, Strange, and Lovely; and the award-winning Alphabet of Dreams, Shadow Spinner, Walk Across the Sea, and Falcon in the Glass. Ms. Buy a cheap copy of Ancient, Strange, and Lovely book by Susan Fletcher. Bryn's world is out of kilter. Pollution is causing weird weather and diseases that her mom, a scientist, was working to fix. But Mom disappeared on a research Free Shipping on all orders over $