· An Unsuitable Job for a Woman: Directed by Christopher Petit. With Billie Whitelaw, Paul Freeman, Pippa Guard, Dominic Guard. A rather loose adaptation of the P. D. James novel. Cordelia Gray, the survivor of a partnership in a detective agency, is asked by the assistant of James Calendar to investigate the suicide of his son, Mark.6/10(). An Unsuitable Job for a Woman introduces bestselling mystery author P.D. James’s courageous but vulnerable young detective, Cordelia Gray, in a “top-rated puzzle of peril that holds you all the way” (The New York Times). Handsome Cambridge dropout Mark Callender died hanging by the neck with a faint trace of lipstick on his www.doorway.ru by: An Unsuitable Job for a Woman introduces bestselling mystery author P.D. James’s courageous but vulnerable young detective, Cordelia Gray, in a “top-rated puzzle of peril that holds you all the way” (The New York Times). Handsome Cambridge dropout Mark Callender died hanging by the neck with a faint trace of lipstick on his mouth/5().
An unsuitable job for a woman Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. An unsuitable job for a woman by James, P. D. Publication date Topics Cultural Literacy and Humanities, Reading Level-Adult Publisher New York: Fawcett Popular Library. P.D. James is the author of the detective novel An Unsuitable Job for a www.doorway.ru novel focuses on the young private detective Cordelia Gray who inherits her partner's failing detective. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman is a British television mystery drama series, based upon the novel of the same name by P.D. James, that starred Helen Baxendale and Annette Crosbie. Two series were produced, each focusing on two separate feature-length dramas, each based in part upon the book of the same name and its sequel, The Skull Beneath the Skin.
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman: Directed by Christopher Petit. With Billie Whitelaw, Paul Freeman, Pippa Guard, Dominic Guard. A rather loose adaptation of the P. D. James novel. Cordelia Gray, the survivor of a partnership in a detective agency, is asked by the assistant of James Calendar to investigate the suicide of his son, Mark. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman introduces bestselling mystery author P.D. James’s courageous but vulnerable young detective, Cordelia Gray, in a “top-rated puzzle of peril that holds you all the way” (The New York Times). Handsome Cambridge dropout Mark Callender died hanging by the neck with a faint trace of lipstick on his mouth. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman is the title of a detective novel by P. D. James and of a TV series of four dramas developed from that novel. It features private detective Cordelia Gray, the protagonist of both this title and The Skull Beneath the Skin. Cordelia inherited a detective agency and from there took on her first case.