Manhwa, Romance. edit data. 이은영 (Lee Eun-Young) is a Korean comic artist. Debuted in in the Sunjung prepublication magazine "WHITE" with 'My wife's name is Maybel Rosti' (내 아내의 이름은 메이벨 러스티). Her blood type is A/5. Eun-Young Lee. Average rating · 1, ratings · 41 reviews · shelved 2, times. Showing 28 distinct works. sort by. popularity original publication year title average rating number of pages. Saver, Volume 1. by. Eun-Young Lee. avg rating — ratings — published — 3 editions. 1 () E-mail: We are Saver Volume 2|Eun Young Lee living in the digital age, when people completely depend on written information: texting, messaging, media posts - if something is not written online, it’s like Saver Volume 2|Eun Young Lee it does not exist. However used to writing modern-day people might be, the necessity to write /10().
이은영 (Lee Eun-Young) is a Korean comic artist. Debuted in in the Sunjung prepublication magazine "WHITE" with 'My wife's name is Maybel Rosti' (내 아내의 이름은 메이벨 러스티). Her blood type is A. 이은영 (Lee Eun-Young) is a Korean comic artist. Saver Volume 2 by Eun-young, Lee and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Saver 1 by Eun-young Lee and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at - Saver Volume 1 by Eun-young Lee - AbeBooks Skip to main content.
Saver, Volume 1. by Eun-Young Lee. by Eun-Young Lee. · Ratings · 5 Reviews · published · 1 edition. Lena wakes up in a stange, distant world. Saver Volume 1 by Eun-young Lee. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , The Saver book series by Eun-Young Lee includes books Saver, Volume 1, Saver, Volume 2, Saver, Volume 3, and several more. See the complete Saver series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles.