This is the second novel by Carlton Mellick III that I read. Totally absorbing, original story. Beneath all the hilarity and absurdity there is a tremendous amount of /5. 9 rows · · Satan Burger PDF book by Carlton Mellick III Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or /5. 9 rows · · Free download or read online Satan Burger pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was /5.
However, if you like your futuristic tales splashed with a healthy dose of bizarro, then by all means, read SATAN BURGER. If you have a warped sense of humor, then by all means, read SATAN BURGER. Carlton Mellick makes some pretty interesting observations about religion, music "scenes", consumerism, society, and human nature in general. Satan Burger by Carlton Mellick III. Paperback. Hardcover. $ Paperback. $ $ View All Available Formats Editions. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Choose. Satan Burger (20th Anniversary Edition) Carlton Mellick, III. Eraserhead Press, - pages. 0 Reviews.
Satan Burger by Carlton, III Mellick (Nov 1 ) [aa] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Satan Burger by Carlton, III Mellick (Nov 1 ). Satan Burger is the international cult hit that has grown such an enormous following over the past 10 years that it not only launched the career of underground author Carlton Mellick III, but inspired an entire literary movement. Absurd philosophies, dark surrealism, and the end of the human race God hates you. All of you. Satan Burger (15th Anniversary Edition) Carlton Mellick III. Eraserhead Press, -