THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM by A. J. CRONIN copyright This is a first edition I Beginning of the End II Strange Vocation III An Unsuccessful Curate IV The China Incident V The Return VI End of the Beginning Discarded Book Acceptable Condition name and address written in pencil on inside front/5(). The book “The keys of the Kingdom” was written by a great Scottish novelist and essayist Archibald Joseph Cronin. One of his works “The Citadel” represented all injustice of the medical system of Great Britain. A. J. Cronin was not only a writer of non-fiction, novelist, essayist, and dramatist but a . Keys of the Kingdom by Cronin, A.J. and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
It is a great book, a book that has no limitations of creed or faith. The publishers are backing it with the largest initial appropriation they have ever given one book. Use the sales aids they have made available, -- imprinted postcards, posters, a series of advertisements. It is a book you can make into a best seller. Pub Date: July 11th, The Keys of the Kingdom. A. J. Cronin. The first Cronin book I remember reading was The Citadel. It was also the first paperback book I brought off the paperback bookrack in the library of Tuscaloosa High School, and I spent many study hall hours at that bookrack! Recognized as A. J. Cronin's best novel, The Keys of the Kingdom is an enthralling, fast-moving, colorful tale of a deeply spiritual man called to do good in an imperfect world. Fiction Historical Fiction Classics China. pages, Paperback. First published January 1, More Details.
The book “The keys of the Kingdom” was written by a great Scottish novelist and essayist Archibald Joseph Cronin. One of his works “The Citadel” represented all injustice of the medical system of Great Britain. A. J. Cronin was not only a writer of non-fiction, novelist, essayist, and dramatist but a Scottish physician. The Keys of the Kingdom by AJ Cronin Vintage 1st Edition | Etsy. THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM by A. J. CRONIN copyright This is a first edition I Beginning of the End II Strange Vocation III An Unsuccessful Curate IV The China Incident V The Return VI End of the Beginning Discarded Book Acceptable Condition name and address written in pencil on inside front. The Keys of the Kingdom is a novel by A. J. Cronin. Spanning six decades, it tells the story of Father Francis Chisholm, an unconventional Scottish Catholic priest who struggles to establish a mission in China. Beset by tragedy in his youth, as a missionary Chisholm endures many years of hardship, punctuated by famine, plague and war in the Chinese province to which he is assigned.