One of the notions that drives the novel is Cercas's contention that the events of the Spanish Civil War - even though they happened only sixty (now seventy) years earlier - are "as remote in time as the battle of Salamis." And the individual soldiers of the Spanish Civil War - their courage, their terror, their misery, and their sacrifice - are as little remembered as the soldiers of Salamis/5(94). Soldiers of Salamis is Javier Cercas’s best-known novel, and was first published in Spanish in It is told in three parts: in part one, a fictional Cercas stumbles upon an anecdote about how the fascist leader Rafael Sánchez Mazas narrowly escaped being executed by firing squad, and decides to base a novel on Sánchez Mazas’ www.doorway.rution: · A novel of the Spanish Civil War—a modern classic, an international bestseller, and a searing exploration of the unknowability of history. In the waning days of the Spanish Civil War, an unknown militiaman discovered a Nationalist prisoner who had fled a firing squad and taken refuge in the forest. But instead of killing him, the soldier simply turned and walked Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
In Soldiers of Salamis Javier Cercas tells the story of a writer named Javier Cercas' efforts in trying to write a book called Soldiers of Salamis. This book is labelled a fiction, but the narrator's name is the same as that of the author and the events he wants to write about are historical. "Soldiers of Salamis" by Javier Cercas, translated by Anne McLean Bloomsbury, $ Thereby hangs this tale. Slowly the narrator (also named Javier Cercas and, like him, the author of two. In Soldiers of Salamis Javier Cercas builds a novel from three strands which touch on this event. The middle third of Soldiers of Salamis is a mini-biography of Sánchez Mazas, telling the story of his escape and what followed it in the border forests, and describing his career both before and afterwards. A "good minor writer" and a leading.
Elegantly constructed and told with self-deprecating, melancholy humor, Soldiers of Salamis is a wholly original work of literature by a modern master. Javier Cercas is a lecturer in Spanish Literature at the University of Gerona. Soldiers of Salamis has been published in fifteen languages. A novel of the Spanish Civil War—a modern classic, an international bestseller, and a searing exploration of the unknowability of history. In the waning days of the Spanish Civil War, an unknown militiaman discovered a Nationalist prisoner who had fled a firing squad and taken refuge in the forest. But instead of killing him, the soldier simply turned and walked away. One of the notions that drives the novel is Cercas's contention that the events of the Spanish Civil War - even though they happened only sixty (now seventy) years earlier - are "as remote in time as the battle of Salamis." And the individual soldiers of the Spanish Civil War - their courage, their terror, their misery, and their sacrifice - are as little remembered as the soldiers of Salamis.