Beneath it's fast moving surface, Rum Punch is a novel about growing old, about the way that time changes us, about the old dream of starting over agian and its cost."-- /5(). ELMORE LEONARD, novelist and screenwriter, (), Rum Punch (), Pronto (), Riding the Rap (), Out of Sight () and Cuba Libre ()--has been a national bestseller as well as a critical success. "The question here is, why is Elmore Leonard so good?" wrote Walker Percy in a review of Bandits. 10 rows · I loved the movie, Get Jackie Brown, but unsurprisingly, the book, RUM PUNCH was better. /5().
Rum Punch is a novel written by Elmore novel was adapted for Tarantino's fourth film, Jackie Brown. Key differences between Jackie Brown and Rum Punch. Jackie's character was known as Jackie Burke in the novel, but Jackie Brown in the film. Elmore Leonard's novel "Rum Punch" () tells a tangled tale of crime, violence and double-crossing written in a punchy style with sharp dialogue. The plot is confusing to follow at first, but it works out. Most of the story is set in West Palm Beach, Florida; but the setting is not the primary focus of the book. Rum Punch is classic Elmore Leonard—the electrifying thriller that served as the basis for the acclaimed film Jackie Brown by director Quentin Tarantino, starring Pam Grier, Robert DeNiro, and Samuel L. Jackson. Leonard's story of a not-altogether-blameless flight attendant on the run from her vicious gun-running sometime employer who sees.
Rum Punch is classic Elmore Leonard—the electrifying thriller that served as the basis for the acclaimed film Jackie Brown by director Quentin Tarantino, starring Pam Grier, Robert DeNiro, and Samuel L. Jackson. Rum Punch is a novel written by Elmore Leonard. The novel was adapted into the film Jackie Brown () by director Quentin Tarantino, although the movie changed the setting from West Palm Beach and Miami to Los Angeles, gave the main character a different surname, and changed her race from white to black. Overview. “Powerful clever astonishing a delicious read.”. Rum Punch is classic Elmore Leonard—the electrifying thriller that served as the basis for the acclaimed film Jackie Brown by director Quentin Tarantino, starring Pam Grier, Robert DeNiro, and Samuel L. Jackson. Leonard’s story of a not-altogether-blameless flight attendant on the run from her vicious gun-running sometime employer who sees her as a troublesome loose end, Rum Punch is “the King Daddy of crime writers.