Remember was such a breathe of fresh air. A lot of people are writing dystopian or post-apocalyptic books and Eileen Cook is over there writing psychological thrillers. Go, Eileen! The book is about Harper and her fathers brilliant medical breakthrough called Memtex/5(10). Harper, whose father's company trademarked the "Memtex" procedure for wiping out bad memories, is surprised when her father objects to her having a treatment but afterwards, she begins having strange flashes about her own life and she joins forces with Neil, one of . · Eileen Cook. A thrilling tale about what a girl will do to get back a memory she lost or remove what she wants to forget. Harper is used to her family being hounded by protesters/5().
Lee gratis Remember 📖 de Eileen Cook Disponible como E-book Prueba gratuita durante 30 días. Remember, by Eileen Cook, begins in the middle of the horse jumping circuit with a young girl named Harper and her horse, Harry. Harry and Harper win many awards together, but then one morning she wakes up and Harry is gone. Harper immediately turns to her father, the head of a company called Neurotech that pioneered the "Memtex" procedure. "Memtex" is a drug that helps to soften. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Remember by Eileen Cook (, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Remember by Eileen Cook. Click here for the lowest price! Hardcover, , Remember by Eileen Cook. Harper Byrne lives in Seattle, Washington, with her parents in a wealthy partially-gated community. She and her best friend Winifred (Win) attend St. Francis private school. At their mandatory assembly one Friday, Harper's father comes to the school to give his "science" talk and promote his company, Neurotech. Remember was such a breathe of fresh air. A lot of people are writing dystopian or post-apocalyptic books and Eileen Cook is over there writing psychological thrillers. Go, Eileen! The book is about Harper and her fathers brilliant medical breakthrough called Memtex.