Buy a cheap copy of Never Underestimate Your Dumbness book by Jim Benton. Sneak a peek inside the NY Times bestselling diary of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything she writes is true -- or at least as true as it needs to be. Dear Free Shipping on all orders over $/5(4). Never Underestimate Your Dumbness () review 1: This latest advent into the Dumb Diary Universe has a total of pages, which is more than the sixth book, which means only ONE THING--MORE STINKER!!!! YES!!!!!! review 1: I love the book very funny and crazy. I believe I've read the whole series too, unless there is more If there is I want to read it, Dear Dumb Dairy is addictive!Isabella is a good friend to Jamie even though she comes out as a mean person she's a real sweet heart inside to Jamie.
Author: Jim Benton, Book: Never Underestimate Your Dumbness (), Series: Dear Dumb Diary in PDF,EPUB. review 1: This latest advent into the Dumb Diary U. Never Underestimate Your Dumbness (Dear Dumb Diary #7) by Jim Benton, , Scholastic edition, in English. Never Underestimate Your Dumbness by Jim Benton Personal Website for Jim Benton View the Website Share. Author Interviews 1. Interview with Jim Benton To help protect your privacy, you will be automatically logged out in 2 minutes if you remain inactive on the website.
Jim Benton is an award-winning author and artist. You may know some of the other things he's made, like It's Happy Bunny, Dear Dumb Diary, Franny K. Stein, Victor Shmud, and more. He's created a TV series, written books, and produced a movie, and he always did everything his parents told him to do. Buy a cheap copy of Never Underestimate Your Dumbness book by Jim Benton. Sneak a peek inside the NY Times bestselling diary of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything she writes is true -- or at least as true as it needs to be. Dear Free Shipping on all orders over $ review 1: I love the book very funny and crazy. I believe I've read the whole series too, unless there is more If there is I want to read it, Dear Dumb Dairy is addictive!Isabella is a good friend to Jamie even though she comes out as a mean person she's a real sweet heart inside to Jamie.