· Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times. Muhammad Ali.: Thomas Hauser. Simon and Schuster, - Biography Autobiography - pages. 1 Review. In the words of more than of Ali’s family 5/5(1). · And this comprehensive, poignant and knowing book is sure to be a catalyst of his coming www.doorway.ru was bigger than boxing, and so is this book. New York Post Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times is a measuring stick for at least three decades of America -- who we were, how we changed and what we www.doorway.ru: Open Road Media. Muhammad Ali: his life and times Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Muhammad Ali: his life and times by Hauser, Thomas. Publication date Topics Ali, Muhammad, , Ali, Muhammad (Sportler), Boxers (Sports) Publisher New York: Simon SchusterUser Interaction Count:
Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times is a biography of the boxer Muhammad Ali, written in by Thomas Hauser. It won the William Hill Sports Book of the Year award in that year.. Critical reception. Entertainment Weekly called the book "lovingly compiled and exhaustively researched," writing that "it's a solid, respectful, drably written piece of work-in other words, it suggests none of the. Nevertheless, Thomas Hauser's Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times is the first book to account for Ali's entire professional career and make some sense of the financial and medical woes that have. Author of "Muhammad Ali: His Life And Times" and "Muhammad Ali: A Tribute to The Greatest". Thomas Hauser was born in New York and attended both college () and law school () at Columbia. After graduating from law school, he clerked for a federal judge until November , when he started work as a litigator for the Wall Street law firm.
Thomas Hauser (b. ) is the author of forty-two books on subjects ranging from professional boxing to Beethoven. His first work, Missing, was made into an Academy Award–winning film. Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times earned numerous awards for its author, including the prestigious William Hill Sports Book of the Year. Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times is a biography of the boxer Muhammad Ali, written in by Thomas Hauser. It won the William Hill Sports Book of the Year award in that year. Critical reception. Muhammad Ali: his life and times by Hauser, Thomas. Publication date Topics Ali, Muhammad, , Ali, Muhammad (Sportler), Boxers (Sports) Publisher.