First of all, "Matched" by Ally Condie is a very well written book! The language she uses makes you want to read more! Cassia lives in "The Society" where everything you do is decided for you. From where you live, work, how your free time is spent, what you read, write, and listen to, even when you die! Ally Condie has 25 books on Goodreads with ratings. Ally Condie’s most popular book is Matched (Matched, #1). Ally Condie is the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Matched trilogy and co-author of the Darkdeep middle grade is also the author of the novel Summerlost, an Edgar Award Finalist.A former English teacher, Ally lives with her family outside of Salt Lake City, www.doorway.rus: K. Matched () by Ally Condie and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Ally Condie is a writer of fiction. She mainly writes for young adults. Ally Condie grew up in a small town, and she loved to write on her spare time. Words, the world of story, and the English language meant the world to her. She know even as a little girl that she wanted to be a writer. Ally Condie Talks About Matched Just two minutes long and we get some exciting info about the sequel. Also, we learn how to pronounce Cassia. Totally guessed that one wrong. Fan Made Book Trailer We love this. It's got the exact right level of drama to be a real movie trailer, and is compiled from clips of other movies.
The official website for Matched by Ally Condie. The first book in a young adult dystopian trilogy published by Dutton Books. A division of Penguin Group (USA). Matched: Mission One Read Chapters (Pages ) Questions and Connections: What problems from today’s society is this society trying to solve? This Society is trying to solve many problems from today. Mainly they feel that divorce, lack of love, fighting and too many choices used to cause too many wars so they have tried to eliminate choice. Matched by Ally Condie is an exciting and well written novel of romance, self-discovery, and rebellion. Matched is the first book of the Matched Trilogy, and it is an excellent introduction to the characters, the struggle, and the Society.