Guaranteed to offend Christian fundamentalists, "Live from Golgotha" is occasionally hilarious - Vidal again delivers a first person narrative as he did so well in Myra Breckinridge and there are moments where Vidal's comedic genius really shines - but sometimes rambling and as a whole the novel is somewhat uneven. Still certainly worth reading for fans of Vidal or novels that make fun of Christianity /5(40). · Other Vidal books have documented his cynicism of Christianity and the religious right, but "Live from Golgotha" clearly sets out to satire Christianity from its source: St. Paul. St. Timothy (blue-eyed, hyacinth curls, glutton for the older powerful ladies) is the main narrator for the story/5. · While not my favorite of Vidal's works Golgotha is certainly entertaining. It is a relatively short working focusing on Saint Timothy being chosen to anchor a live filming of Golgotha for NBC and record his version of the Gospels in response to all other versions being corrupted by a hacker/5.
Free download or read online Live from Golgotha: The Gospel According to Gore Vidal pdf (ePUB) book. The first edition of the novel was published in September 1st , and was written by Gore Vidal. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this fiction, religion story are. Live from Golgotha: The Gospel According to Gore Vidal: | | Live from Golgotha | | | ||| | World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online. The idea of travelling back in time and broadcasting live from Golgotha is an engaging fantasy, not to mention the perfect opportunity to debunk Christian mythology. "The gospel according to Gore Vidal", as the front cover (but not the title page) promises, ought to be fun. Well, it isn't. Gore really bungled that one.
Live from Golgotha: The Gospel According to Gore Vidal. by. Gore Vidal. · Rating details · 1, ratings · 83 reviews. Timothy (later St. Timothy) is in his study in Thessalonika, where he is bishop of Macedonia. It is A.D. 96, and Timothy is under terrific pressure to record his version of the Sacred Story, since, far in the future, a cyberpunk (the Hacker) has been systematically destroying the tapes that describe the Good News, and Timothy's Gospel is the only one immune to the. for a savior, Vidal's eponymous hero of KALKI, born and bred in America's Midwest, establishes himself in Nepal, puts out the word that he is the last incarnation of the god Vishnu, and predicts an imminent apocalypse meant to cleanse the planet. Live from Golgotha - The Gospel According to Gore Vidal. Live from Golgotha: The Gospel according to Gore Vidal is a novel by Gore Vidal, an irreverent spoof of the New Testament. Told from the perspective of Saint Timothy as he travels with Saint Paul, the novel's narrative shifts in time as Timothy and Paul combat a mysterious hacker from the future who is deleting all traces of Christianity. The title of the novel alludes to the fact that the author "made sport of the notion of television coverage of the Crucifixion, as the kind of thing that.