Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer Essay on www.doorway.ru 🥇 - William Lowell Kane, initially Wladak, and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston based millionaire banker, the . Answer: Thanks for A2A. If you read the book, in the forward Mr. Archer said it was based on two men who both wished to remain anonymous - one because he was working on his own autobiography and one because was still a public figure in the United States. If it so, you can say ‘Yes’. Though, an. Jeffrey Archer is a consummate story teller and “Kane and Able” is a fantastic example of his skill. When I first read this book 40 years ago, it was only a single title and Archer was an up ‘n comer. Now, I’m able to read the series without waiting for the next volume to be written; a decided advantage/5(5K).
Kane and Abel has an intriguing plot, likeable characters with an unknown www.doorway.ru this kept me waiting for my next day at work so I could listen again on the commute. The ending was appropriate, but still somehow disappointing or was I just sorry the story ended.I will now look for more Jeffrey Archer books. Kane is driven by the financial purpooses to get rich by all means, while Abel's success is driven by his stubborness to destroy Kane who was gilty of dead of Abel's former boss. The action of this book is swift, and is very characteriscal to all books of Jeffrey Archer. Second part of this book "The Prodigal Daugther" is in the same style. Jeffrey Archer's Kane and Abel was a global phenomenon when it was first released, selling over one million copies in its first week of sale, and it has captivated readers worldwide ever since. They had only one thing in common William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski, one the son of a Boston millionaire, the other a penniless Polish immigrant.
Kane Abel Series - Jeffrey Archer Kane Abel (Kane Abel, #1), The Prodigal Daughter (Kane Abel, #2), and Shall We Tell the President? (Kane Abel. Kane is driven by the financial purpooses to get rich by all means, while Abel's success is driven by his stubborness to destroy Kane who was gilty of dead of Abel's former boss. The action of this book is swift, and is very characteriscal to all books of Jeffrey Archer. Second part of this book "The Prodigal Daugther" is in the same style. Kane and Abel is a novel by British author Jeffrey Archer. Released in the United Kingdom in and in the United States in February , the book was an international success. It reached No. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list. The sequel to Kane and Abel is The Prodigal Daughter and www.doorway.ru%3F in which Florentyna Kane is the protagonist.