GYM CANDY was book of the year in Iowa. Since Carl grew up in the Bay area, he is a long time Giants fan. His all-time favorite players are Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, and especially Juan Marichal. These days, as a long-time Seattle resident, he follows the Mariners, Seahawks, and UW Husky teams closely/5(). Well the book is about a football star named Mick Johnson that doesn't like his size so he starts using "gym candy" they are steroids. He gets the results he is looking for but then he gets to the point that it is too much so he feels that he is trapped. Then he can't find a way to get out of what he was doing. · For Mick winning wasnt everything it is the only thing Mick always beileved in his dad and his dad always beileved in him Gym Candy by: Carl Deuker Falling Action An sequel summary was not written about this book but i do reccomend there do be an second version because you need.
Gym Candy - Ebook written by Carl Deuker. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Gym Candy. Gym Candy by Carl Deuker. Click here for the lowest price! Library Binding, , Gym Candy Kindle Edition. by. Carl Deuker (Author) › Visit Amazon's Carl Deuker Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Carl Deuker (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. out of 5 stars. ratings.
It is my favorite gen Gym Candy is by far my favorite book by far. It is my favorite genre which is sports-fiction. Carl Deuker's books are so different from the other same types of books that other authors write. Carl's ways of describing and picturing things are so engaging and descriptive. Well the book is about a football star named Mick Johnson that doesn't like his size so he starts using "gym candy" they are steroids. He gets the results he is looking for but then he gets to the point that it is too much so he feels that he is trapped. Then he can't find a way to get out of what he was doing. Age Level: 12 up. Purchase: Description. Awards. Award-winning author Carl Deuker explores fair play versus the determination to win and the issues surrounding one teen's decision to cross the line. "Look, Mick," he said, "you're going to find out from somebody in the gym, so you might as well find out from me.