Ebook {Epub PDF} Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis

Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in and published by Harcourt in March Reviews Review this book and you'll be entered for a chance to win $50! Universally recognized as a landmark in American literature, Elmer Gantry scandalized readers when it was first published, causing Sinclair Lewis to be "invited" to a jail cell in New Hampshire and to his own lynching in Virginia. His portrait of a golden-tongued evangelist who rises to power within his church--a saver of souls who lives a life of duplicity, sensuality, and ruthless self-indulgence--is also the record 4/5(5K). Published in , Elmer Gantry is a classic fiction novel by Sinclair Lewis. Set in the s, the novel is a satire of American religious attitudes at the time. The story follows the titular character, a charismatic preacher with a secret love of vice, as he experiences several ups and downs and eventually becomes the minister of a large Methodist church.

Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in that presents aspects of the religious activity of America in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the s public toward it. The novel's protagonist, the Reverend Dr. Elmer Gantry, is initially attracted by booze and easy money (though he eventually renounces tobacco and alcohol) and chasing women. Published in , Elmer Gantry is a classic fiction novel by Sinclair Lewis. Set in the s, the novel is a satire of American religious attitudes at the time. The story follows the titular character, a charismatic preacher with a secret love of vice, as he experiences several ups and downs and eventually becomes the minister of a large Methodist church. Elmer Gantry is set before the days of radio and television evangelism, but Sinclair Lewis certainly saw them and mega-churches coming. As for characterization, the main character is a louse and you're not meant to like him, but I've never read a more compelling and spot-on portrayal of hypocritical delusion and cognitive dissonance.

Elmer Gantry Quotes Showing of “The Maker of the universe with stars a hundred thousand light-years apart was interested, furious, and very personal about it if a small boy played baseball on Sunday afternoon.”. ― Sinclair Lewis, Elmer Gantry. tags: god, humor, religion. Sinclair Lewis’ world-famous satire of religious hypocrisy and the excesses of the Roaring ʼ20s. Universally recognized as a landmark in American literature, Elmer Gantry scandalized readers when it was first published, causing Sinclair Lewis to be “invited” to a jail cell in New Hampshire and to his own lynching in Virginia. His portrait of a golden-tongued evangelist who rises to power within his church—a saver of souls who lives a life of duplicity, sensuality, and ruthless self. Elmer Gantry is a satirical novel written by Sinclair Lewis in that presents aspects of the religious activity of America in fundamentalist and evangelistic circles and the attitudes of the s public toward it. The novel's protagonist, the Reverend Dr. Elmer Gantry, is initially attracted by booze and easy money (though he eventually renounces tobacco and alcohol) and chasing women.


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