Die Welle. by Morton Rhue. Share your thoughts Complete your review. Tell readers what you thought by rating and reviewing this book. Rate it * You Rated it * 0. 1 Star - I hated it 2 Stars - I didn't like it 3 Stars - It was OK 4 Stars - I liked it 5 Stars - I loved it. Please make sure to choose a rating/5. Morton Rhue has 31 books on Goodreads with ratings. Morton Rhue’s most popular book is The Wave. Die Welle by. Reinhold Tritt, Morton Rhue, Céline Fontanges (Narrator), Gernot Endemann (Narrator) avg rating — ratings. Want to Read saving. · Wieso ein Jugendbuch handelt von Jugendlichen jugendliche Hauptprotagonisten Art "Problemlektüre" (handelt von Jugendproblemen) Leseprobe Autor Morton Rhue: eigentlich Todd Strasser geb. 5. Mai in New York studiert kurz in New York ging .
Als ich mir letztens "Die Welle" von Morton Rhue ausgeliehen habe, wollte ich einfach nur mal das Buch lesen, wirklich genau wissen, worum es wirklich geht. Vielleicht habt ihr euch das ja auch schon mal gefragt!? Ich habe das Buch jedenfalls nicht in der Schule gelesen, als es alle anderen gelesen haben. Die Welle: Bericht über einen Unterrichtsversuch, der zu weit ging (Ravensburger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) Kindle Edition German Edition by Morton Rhue (Author) › Visit Amazon's Morton Rhue Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search. Morton Rhue. Average rating: · 24, ratings · 2, reviews · 31 distinct works • Similar authors. Die Welle: Eine Graphic Novel. by. Morton Rhue, Stefani Kampmann. avg rating — ratings — published — 4 editions. Want to Read. saving.
The Wave (German: Die Welle) is a German socio-political thriller film directed by Dennis Gansel and starring Jürgen Vogel, Frederick Lau, Jennifer Ulrich and Max Riemelt in the leads. It is based on Ron Jones ' social experiment The Third Wave and Todd Strasser 's novel, The Wave. This book, written under the pen name of Morton Rhue in the United States, is a novelisation of the telemovie of the same name, which was based on a short story by Ron Jones about a real event. In a high school history teacher, Ben Ross, was working in a small "all-American" town teaching his class of grade 12 students about the second World War. By Todd Strasser (writing as Morton Rhue) The novel won the Massachusetts Book Award for Children’s/Young Adult literature. Strasser writes on his Website: “THE WAVE is loosely based on an essay by Ron Jones that appeared in a WHOLE EARTH CATALOGUE some time in the early s. I have never met Mr. Jones. I’ve been.