Der zweite Teil der Sally Lockhart-Krimi-Romane "Der Schatten im Norden" von Philip Pullman spielt (wie oben schon gesagt)in London Ende des Jahrhunderts - es ist ein Krimi, der auch auf historische Punkte eingeht, wie z.B. die Industrialisierung. Pullmans Schreibstil ist flüssig, interessant und bildreich/5(3). Facts information about title «Der Schatten im Norden» by Philip Pullman [with availability check] informations sur le titre «Der Schatten im Norden» [avec vérification de la disponibilité] – Internationaler Medieninformationsdienst. To give a Philip Pullman novel only two stars physically pains me! However, this just was not the book for me. This is the second instalment in the Sally Lockhart quartet, which is a Victorian-era series following amateur-sleuth-turned-private-detective, Sally Lockhart, as she attempts to solve the mysteries of London's dark underbelly, as well as those muddying her own past/5.
Philip Pullman. We ask you to make a distinction between a complaint and cancellation. We try to assess the exact condition of the goods as objectively as possible. Action Adventure. second hand - very good. Buch ist in gutem Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- Alters- oder Lagerungsspuren. ISBN: von Pullman, Philip Pullman, Philip Unser Preis. Verlag / Jahr. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Der Schatten im Norden Pullman, Philip: bei eBay. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel!
Der Schatten im Norden by Philip Pullman, March 1, , Beltz edition, Paperback. To give a Philip Pullman novel only two stars physically pains me! However, this just was not the book for me. This is the second instalment in the Sally Lockhart quartet, which is a Victorian-era series following amateur-sleuth-turned-private-detective, Sally Lockhart, as she attempts to solve the mysteries of London's dark underbelly, as well as those muddying her own past. Facts information about title «Der Schatten im Norden» by Philip Pullman [with availability check] informations sur le titre «Der Schatten im Norden» [avec vérification de la disponibilité] – Internationaler Medieninformationsdienst.