· Dead Medium by Peter John. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, , · Dead Medium. By: Peter John. Narrated by: Joel Froomkin. Length: 8 hrs. Unabridged Audiobook. Categories: Literature Fiction, Horror. out of 5 stars. (97 ratings) Add to Cart failed. - Peter John Author of Dead Medium a Humorous Paranormal Fantasy about a ghost with the power the freely speak with the living. Dead Medium: Not Your Average Ghost Story.
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Dead Medium This book Illustrates The Kindle at its best, introducing us to new authors with fresh and original works such as Dead Medium by Peter John, I doubt anyone could read this unexpected treasure without falling in love with the characters as they take on the battle of their lives (What am I saying). Dead Medium is a paranormal, dark comedy that turns the concept of clairvoyance and medium-ship on its www.doorway.ru deathly silence is about to be broken. She disliked the company of others and death did little to warm her spirit. She had led an independent life and she faced death in much the same. Dead Medium: A humorous, character driven story and a unique vision of life after death. Not your average ghost story. Not your average ghost story. © Peter John (P) Peter John.