Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm. by Stella Gibbons Paperback. $ Only 17 left in stock (more on the way). Ships from and sold by FREE Shipping on orders over $ Cold Comfort Farm. by Eileen Atkins DVD. $/5(K). Cold Comfort Farm [Gibbons, Stella] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Cold Comfort Farm/5(K). Overview. Cold Comfort Farm (September ) is the first book by British author Stella Gibbons. Upon publication, it became an instant success. The comic novel is a parody of rural romances that were popular in Britain at the time. The story was adapted for two BBC television shows in and It was also made into a film starring Kate Beckinsale in
Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons. by Carrie S · Jul 9, at am · View all 38 comments. Cold Comfort Farm. by Stella Gibbons. Buy →. ― Stella Gibbons, quote from Cold Comfort Farm "A straight nose is a great help if one wishes to look serious'." ― Stella Gibbons, quote from Cold Comfort Farm "Curious how Love destroys every vestige of that politeness which the human race, in its years of evolution, has so painfully acquired.". The best novels: No 57 - Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons () The book for which Gibbons is best remembered was a satire of late-Victorian pastoral fiction but went on to influence.
Cold Comfort Farm was first published by Longmans in , and was, according to the critic Lynne Truss, labelled “middlebrow”, to Gibbons’s disadvantage among the critics. But the book sold. Her first novel, Cold Comfort Farm, won the Femina Vie Heureuse Prize for A satire and parody of the pessimistic ruralism of Thomas Hardy, his followers and especially Precious Bain by Mary Webb -the "loam and lovechild" genre, as some called it, Cold Comfort Farm introduces a self-confident young woman, Stella Dorothea Gibbons was an English novelist, journalist, poet and short-story writer. Cold Comfort Farm is a comic novel by English author Stella Gibbons, published in It parodies the romanticised, sometimes doom-laden accounts of rural life popular at the time, by writers such as Mary Webb.