Ebook {Epub PDF} Words by Ginny L. Yttrup

"It's hard to believe this is Ginny L. Yttrup's debut novel. She beautifully and effectively weaves a story of trust, sacrifice, truth, new beginnings, freedom and unconditional love. Here are pages of words that may very well leave you speechless." www.doorway.ru "An astounding, debut novel/5(). Yttrup writes a riveting, emotionally charged story page by page, word by word, this talented author proves the adage ‘Write what you know.’. Writers and readers alike have been singing the praises of Ginny L. Yttrup since her debut novel Words. Ginny L. Yttrup is an award-winning author. Words won the Christy award for best first novel. Buy Words today to follow Kaylee and Sierra on their journey to freedom. "First-time novelist Yttrup writes a riveting, emotionally charged story about a year-old sexual abuse victim, Kaylee Wren, who has literally lost her voice in the aftermath of ongoing trauma/5().

Ginny Yttrup's Words--A Poignant, Moving Story To be honest, I approached Ginny Yttrup's Words with some hesitancy. I knew from the cover information that the story involved the sexual abuse of a little girl, and I have a difficult time even reading about such tragedy, because I know it's all too common in real life. by Ginny L. Yttrup. Published: Paperback: pages. 1 member reading this now 1 club reading this now 2 members have read this book. Recommended to book clubs by 2 of 2 members "I collect words. I keep them in a box in my mind. Barbara Wilson, author of The Invisible Bond. "It's hard to believe this is Ginny L. Yttrup's debut novel. She beautifully and effectively weaves a story of trust, sacrifice, truth, new beginnings, freedom and unconditional love. Here are pages of words that may very well leave you speechless." www.doorway.ru

Written by Ginny Yttrup, Words is a poignant and captivating novel that offers a message of hope and healing for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Writing from the depths of her own experience, Yttrup takes the readers on a path of pain and struggle to joy and freedom. The story moves from the point of view of the main female protagonist to the other. Words by Ginny L. Yttrup Genre: Contemporary Christian fiction Format: Kindle Timeframe: Present day Location: Santa Cruz, CA Main Characters: Kaylee Wren: Abused 10 year old Sierra Dawn: Artist who takes Kaylee in Peter Langstron: Child Welfare Services worker Ruby: Sierra’s faithful friend Jackson Tully: Child rapist Kathryn Wren: Drug addict who left her daughter with an abuser Wow. I’m so stunned I'm not sure what to type. Words by Ginny L. Yttrup is an enthralling and emotionally charged Christian fiction. Thank you, Steph, for this great recommendation. Thank you, Steph, for this great recommendation. I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did!.


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