Ebook {Epub PDF} Why Teach?: In Defense of a Real Education by Mark Edmundson

 · In a lecture at Elmhurst College on May 15, scholar Mark Edmundson presented a vigorous defense of what he calls a “real” education. Speaking to a lively audience of students, faculty and community members, Edmundson described a real education as one that takes up the question of ideals, especially those of compassion, courage and contemplation. A professor of English at Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. In this book, Mark Edmundson defends real education on behalf of all teachers. Real education is the life-changing, mind-altering, value-questioning pursuit that was lost somewhere along the way. The beast has changed in the past 40 years and he shows the Cited by: Why teach?: in defense of a real education Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. in defense of a real education by Edmundson, Mark, author. Publication date Edmundson has felt firsthand the pressure on colleges to churn out a productive, high-caliber workforce for the future. User Interaction Count:

From the Publisher. Edmundson (English/Univ. of Virginia; The Fine Wisdom and Perfect Teachings of the Kings of Rock and Roll, , etc.) dispels any ambiguity about his position on his subject with the subtitle--"In Defense of a Real Education"--of this deeply felt collection of explorations and reflections on an education in the liberal arts. Mark Edmundson. University Professor. Bryan Hall. Contact. Office Hours: Tues/Thurs Why Teach?: In Defense of a Real Education. The Fine Wisdom and Perfect Teachings of the Kings of Rock and Roll. The Death of Sigmund Freud: Fascism, Psychoanalysis and the Rise of Fundamentalism. Why teach?: in defense of a real education Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. in defense of a real education by Edmundson, Mark, author. Publication date Edmundson has felt firsthand the pressure on colleges to churn out a productive, high-caliber workforce for the future.

Edmundson (English/Univ. of Virginia; The Fine Wisdom and Perfect Teachings of the Kings of Rock and Roll, , etc.) dispels any ambiguity about his position on his subject with the subtitle--"In Defense of a Real Education"--of this deeply felt collection of explorations and reflections on an education in the liberal arts. The author examines the slow transformation of universities and colleges from being driven by intellectual and cultural betterment to institutions modeled on business. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. "A renowned professor of English at the University of Virginia, Edmundson has felt firsthand the pressure on colleges to churn out a productive, high-caliber workforce for the future. Yet in these essays, many of which have run in places such as Harper's and the New York Times, he reminds us that there is more to education than greater.


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