out of 5 stars The first volume of the shojo manga `We Were There' features a fun storyline as we see life through the eyes of teenager Nanami Reviewed in the United States on Decem The popular award winning manga series "Bokura ga Ita" by Yuki Obata arrives stateside via the title "We Were There" through Viz Media's Shojou Beat Manga imprint/5(47). And you might be feeling lonely, but, there are people in this world who really, really love you, so shouldn't that equal it all out? So, please don't ever think that you're alone. I'll be watching over you. I'll always be watching over you. I promise to always watch over you. You're not alone.” ― Yuuki Obata, We Were There, Vol. /5. · Rating Clarification Stars We Were There by Yuki Obata was my first shojo manga, and I have to say I enjoyed it very much. I’ve read a couple of graphic novels before, but this was a different experience as the reading flow is a bit more unique because it 4/5.
Yuuki Obata has 27 books on Goodreads with ratings. Yuuki Obata's most popular book is We Were There, Vol. 1. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for We Were There, Vol. 1 by Yuki Obata (, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Comics Graphic Novels ·
Looking for books by Yuuki Obata? See all books authored by Yuuki Obata, including We Were There, Vol. 1, and We Were There, Vol. 4, and more on www.doorway.ru Yuuki Obata's debut manga, Raindrops, won the Shogakukan Shinjin Comics Taisho Kasaku Award in Her current series, We Were There (Bokura ga Ita), won the 50th Shogakukan Manga Award and was adapted into an animated television series. Yuuki Obata. Average rating: · 15, ratings · reviews · 30 distinct works • Similar authors. We Were There, Vol. 1. avg rating — 5, ratings — published — 16 editions. Want to Read. saving. Want to Read. Currently Reading. Read.