· Editions for Unleashing the Storm: (Trade Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (ebook published in 11 rows · The main characters of Unleashing the Storm novel are Annika Svenson, Creed McCabe. The book has /5. “ Unleashing the Storm is one of those rare reads where the characters linger long after the story ends. Intense intrigue, action, eroticism, and a fascinating world combine to create an enthralling winner. Sydney Croft is a fabulous new talent.” —Cheyenne McCray, USA Today Bestselling Author.
Unleashing the Storm (ACRO Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Croft, Sydney. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Unleashing the Storm (ACRO Series Book 2). Authors: Sydney Croft, Stephanie Tyler, Eden Bradley, Trisha Telep. Related Series: Share the Love: A Holiday Charity Bundle, Red Letter Days. The ACRO book series by multiple authors includes books Riding the Storm, The Mammoth Book of Special Ops Romance, Unleashing the Storm, and several more. See the complete ACRO series book list in order. Reviews "UNLEASHING THE STORM is one of those rare reads where the characters linger long after the story ends. Intense intrigue, action, eroticism, and a fascinating world combine to create an enthralling winner. Sydney Croft is a fabulous new talent.
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sydney Croft's Taken by Fire. Feel the heat. Hear the roar. The fever has begun There’s a storm rising. Electricity crackles in the air. For Kira Donovan, it’s that time of year again: when the need floods her flesh, when almost any man—the bigger and the stronger the better—will do. The main characters of Unleashing the Storm novel are Annika Svenson, Creed McCabe. The book has. BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sydney Croft's Taken by Fire. Feel the heat. Hear the www.doorway.ru fever has begun There’s a storm rising. Electricity crackles in the air. For Kira Donovan, it’s that time of year again: when the need floods her flesh, when almost any man—the bigger and the stronger the better—will do.