· Review of The Toyminator by Robert Rankin 8 September Captain Maybe Leave a comment Go to comments The release of the new Robert Rankin book is, for me, perhaps the literary highlight of the year – after all, none of my other favourite . The Toyminator () Robert Rankin, Gollancz, £ / £, hrdbk /trdpbk, 00, ISBN / Something very bad is going down in Toy City. Somewhere over the rainbow and just off the Yellow Brick Road stands Toy City, formerly known as Toy Town. And things are not going well for the citys inhabitants. There have been outbreaks of STC - Spontaneous Toy Combustion - and there are strange signs and portents in the Heavens. Preachers of Toy Citys many religions are predicting that the End Times are approaching and that a Toy City.
Robert Rankin. Home. The toyminator, p The Toyminator, page 1 Select Voice: Brian (uk) Emma (uk) Amy (uk) Eric (us) Ivy (us) Joey (us) Salli (us) Justin (us) Jennifer (us) Kimberly (us) Kendra (us) Russell (au) Nicole (au) Try our free service - convert any of your text to speech!. Share - The Toyminator by Robert Rankin (, Mass Market) The Toyminator by Robert Rankin (, Mass Market) Be the first to write a review. About this product. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Top picked items. New (other) $ Pre-owned. The toyminator Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email. The toyminator by Rankin, Robert, Publication date Topics.
The Toyminator. Robert Rankin. Orion Publishing Group, Feb 3, - Fiction - pages. 3 Reviews. Read "The Toyminator" by Robert Rankin available from Rakuten Kobo. Somewhere over the rainbow and just off the Yellow Brick Road stands Toy City, formerly known as Toy Town. And things ar. The setting of Toy City is poorly executed in Toyminator, with only a few clever new scenes. The biggest disappointment is that the title, the imagery it conjures (and indeed the untrue front cover) sets up the reader for expectations in the plot that do not exist.