Ebook {Epub PDF} The Sundial Salesman by Chassi Albuquerque

 · The Sundial Salesman: "My phone in my pocket rang. I didn't answer. Because it could only be a woman, one of my shady parents or someone I owed money to. And I didn't want to speak to any of them."Firstly, check my website out for a free copy instead. Otherwise: Downtown Tokyo. 8 quotes from The Sundial Salesman: ‘I’ve had affairs before but never like this - I need a reason to leave my wife,” Shimansky said, desperately appeali. Chassis Albuquerque has 12 books on Goodreads with 43 ratings. Chassis Albuquerque’s most popular book is The Sundial Salesman.

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The Sundial Salesman (book) by Chassis Albuquerque. A gritty, autobiographical account of morally vague Ealing Broadway and his sex-depraved boss. 8 quotes from The Sundial Salesman: ‘I’ve had affairs before but never like this - I need a reason to leave my wife,” Shimansky said, desperately appeali. Chassis Albuquerque lives in London with his wife and baby daughter.*If you enjoy the humor and references often used by writers such as Charles Bukows.


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