Sometimes big things do come in small packages. The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith by Tim Keller is one of those “big things.” Keller tackles the Parable of the Prodigal Son. His approach confronts the typical interpretation that fixates on the sin of the younger brother in Christ’s parable – the prodigal son/5. The Prodigal God. Taking his trademark intellectual approach to understanding Christianity, Timothy Keller uncovers the essential message of Jesus, locked inside his most familiar parable. Within that parable, Jesus reveals God’s prodigal grace toward both the irreligious and the Timothy Keller. The New York Times bestselling author of The Prodigal Prophet uncovers the essential message of Jesus, locked inside his most familiar parable. Newsweek called renowned minister Timothy Keller "a C.S. Lewis for the twenty-first century" in a feature on his first book, The Reason for by: 5.
This Prodigal God Discussion Guide will help you uncover, personalize, and apply life-changing insights from The Prodigal God DVD and book. In six captivating sessions, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller opens your eyes to the powerful message of Jesus' best known―and least understood―parable. The Prodigal God: Recovering the heart of the Christian faith () by Timothy J Keller and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Timothy Keller is the pastor of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. He is the author of numerous books and is a popular speaker and Christian leader. Introduction. The Prodigal God looks at the Parable of the Prodigal Son as a parable about the lostness of both brothers and the heart of God the Father that is revealed towards them.
If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn't mercy, but forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness.”. ― Timothy Keller, The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith. tags: forgiveness, mercy. 45 likes. The Prodigal God is a revelation of the very heart of the gospel: God's radical love for sinners of every kind. Taking you beyond the traditional focus on the wayward younger son, Keller helps you glean insights from each of the characters in Jesus' parable: the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the Father who lavishes his love on both. The story of Jonah, with all its twists and turns, is about how God takes Jonah, sometimes by the hand, other times by the scruff of the neck, to show him these things.”. ― Timothy J. Keller, The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy. 1 likes.