Straight White Male is a heartbreaker; a poignant literary treatise on the all-too-mortal battle between human individual desire and social need, disguised as a high-octane novel of laddish excess. -- Irvine Welsh There's nothing faster, sadder or funnier than John Niven on men. I cried three times and laughed fifty. www.doorway.rus: ― John Niven, Straight White Male. 0 likes. Like “Palliative care’ they called it. Most people took it to mean alleviating, managing and softening the pain of those on a one-way road. Kennedy, the great lover of the dictionary knew the further layer, the older, obsolete meaning of ‘palliate’: to cloak, to disguise.”. Straight White Male ebook By John Niven. Read a Sample. Sign up to save your library. With an OverDrive account, you can save your favorite libraries for at-a-glance information about availability. Straight White Male is a no-holds-barred look into the mid-life crisis and the contemporary male sexual psyche. It is a brilliant new satire.
"Straight White Male is caustic and poignant, yet consistently, addictively funny clever and joyous." - The Independent (UK) "There's nothing faster, sadder or funnier than John Niven on men." - Caitlin Moran "Deliciously hyperbolic,obscenely funny, unexpectedly affecting. Niven never, ever, pulls a punch." - Rupert Thomson. Review: Straight White Male, By John Niven. Joyous trip through a charmed life. Robert Epstein. Saturday 31 August comments. Article bookmarked. Straight White Male ebook By John Niven. Read a Sample. Sign up to save your library. With an OverDrive account, you can save your favorite libraries for at-a-glance information about availability. Straight White Male is a no-holds-barred look into the mid-life crisis and the contemporary male sexual psyche. It is a brilliant new satire.
Straight White Male. Author John Niven; ; Author: John Niven. Publisher: Open Road + Grove/Atlantic ISBN: Category: Fiction Page: View: Download Now. Straight White Male is a wildly funny and whip smart tale of Kennedy's transatlantic misadventures. It's an uninhibited and heartfelt look at the mid-life crisis of a lovable rogue. Membership Advantages. Reviews. "Straight White Male is a heartbreaker; a poignant literary treatise on the all-too-mortal battle between human individual desire and social need, disguised as a high-octane novel of laddish excess."--Irvine Welsh.