In Pineapple Grenade, the incomparable Serge takes up spying for the president of a banana republic, and now Homeland Security wants to bring him down. It's always a wild ride when Dorsey's at the wheel, and with Pineapple Grenade he delivers his most explosively hilarious road trip to date. Pineapple Grenade by Tim Dorsey is the newest addition in the continuous adventures of Serge Storms, the internationally acclaimed Florida Folklorists and occasional serial killer. The good guys and the bad guys of the Black Ops variety are busily confusing each other as usual, when Serge gets the itch to try his hand at being a spy/5(). · Tim Dorsey is here to speak sign 'Pineapple Grenade' Tues, 3/6 7p. When it comes to comic crime novels, few stand out more than those written by Tim Dorsey and featuring his character Serge. Serge, a so-crazy-he’s-brilliant vigilante and trivia master, brings mayhem and murder to those who ruin his beloved Florida.
Listen Free to Pineapple Grenade: A Novel audiobook by Tim Dorsey with a 30 Day Free Trial! Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet and iOS and Android devices. "The undisputed king of the comic crime novel."—Providence Journal"I guarantee Dorsey will never win the Nobel Prize for Literature—he's far too funny."—Richmond Times-Dispatch"If you've never read Dorsey, you need to start You won't be disappointed."—Miami HeraldGloriously. By Tim Dorsey. Visual indication that the title is an audiobook. Listen to a Sample Sign up to save your library the fruit will fly when he pulls the pin out of this Pineapple Grenade! read more. Format. audiobook. Edition. Unabridged. ISBN. Series. Serge Storms. Author. Tim Dorsey. Narrator. Oliver Wyman. Publisher.
Buy a cheap copy of Pineapple Grenade book by Tim Dorsey. The undisputed king of the comic crime novel. Providence Journal I guarantee Dorsey will never win the Nobel Prize for Literaturehe's far too funny. Richmond Free Shipping on all orders over $ Gloriously unrepentant Florida serial killer Serge Storms is back—and he’s finagled his way into becoming a secret agent in Miami—in another outrageous crime comedy from New York Times bestselling author, Tim Dorsey. In Pineapple Grenade, the incomparable Serge takes up spying for the president of a banana republic, and now Homeland Security wants to bring him down. Find Pineapple Grenade by Dorsey, Tim at Biblio. Uncommonly good collectible and rare books from uncommonly good booksellers.