Parting Lines By Stuart Allen. Paperback, Pages (1 Ratings) Preview. Price: $ Prints in business days. Tim Hoskings was such a nice boy, but eventually nice boys turn into bitter men. Priorities change and decisions get made — like the decision to become an arsehole. Parting Lines by Stuart Allen is a book about a man finding his true self after his life turns out horribly wrong. It's essentially a mid-life crisis. Tim Hoskings, the main character, has had the same life for a couple of decades. He has a wife, a normal job and a stable life/5. Stuart Allen I'm currently working on the sequel to Parting Lines, called Double Yellow Lines. I'm looking forward to dreaming up where Tim's life goes next!:) more I'm currently working on the sequel to Parting Lines, called Double Yellow Lines/5.
Publications by Stuart Allen. Sort by Newest to Oldest. Newest to Oldest Oldest to Newest A to Z Z to A. Parting Lines. ByStuart Allen. Published 6/5/ USD Parting Lines. ByStuart Allen. Published 5/22/ USD About Us Contact Support Work at Lulu. USD. Change shop currency. USD EUR AUD GBP CAD. English. Allen, a consummate craftsman and esthete, culls, edits, and prints with precision before putting forth the finished product. In the artist's next major series, Studio Lines, Allen created light trails without an obvious external referent. Based on the dimensions and movement of the artist's body, the patterns in the photographs act as a. 97 "Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting — 98 "Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! 99 Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door!
Stuart Allen I'm currently working on the sequel to Parting Lines, called Double Yellow Lines. I'm looking forward to dreaming up where Tim's life goes next!:) more I'm currently working on the sequel to Parting Lines, called Double Yellow Lines. Parting Lines is a humorous and gritty look at a middle-aged, middle-class man that is deep in the throws of a catastrophic midlife meltdown. Married since high school, Tim Hoskings has been kicked out of the family home and his chances of finding his way back unscathed are next to zero since meeting the alluring goth-girl Cassandra at a Sydney SM club. Parting Lines by Stuart Allen is a book about a man finding his true self after his life turns out horribly wrong. It's essentially a mid-life crisis. Tim Hoskings, the main character, has had the same life for a couple of decades. He has a wife, a normal job and a stable life.