Books shelved as oneshot-manga: 恋ゴコロ下克上 [Koi Gokoro Gekokujou] by Haruko Kurumatani, 2 Kaime no Hajimete no Koi by Kyōko Kumagai, Noraneko To Hidamari by. · Looking for information on the manga Murasame-kun no Tawagoto? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to . Murasame-kun na Tawagoto. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, Murasame-kun no Tawagoto 村雨くんの戯言. Groups Scanlating. Intercross Shoujo Crusade. SHIRAISHI Yuki. Artist(s) SHIRAISHI Yuki. Year. Original Publisher.
MURASAME-KUN NA TAWAGOTO Manga chapters, From Intercross Shoujo Crusade: Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps. Murasame-kun na Tawagoto: From Intercross Shoujo Crusade:Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a. Murasame-kun na Tawagoto. Login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, Murasame-kun no Tawagoto 村雨くんの戯言. Groups Scanlating. Intercross Shoujo Crusade. SHIRAISHI Yuki. Artist(s) SHIRAISHI Yuki. Year. Original Publisher.
Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps into Murasame-kun and spills all the perfume. As she begins to apologize, he suddenly asks her out!? (Source: Intercross Shoujo Crusade). MURASAME-KUN NA TAWAGOTO Manga details, From Intercross Shoujo Crusade: Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart. The next day, Chika bumps. MURASAME-KUN NA TAWAGOTO Manga chapters, From Intercross Shoujo Crusade: Chika has always seen Murasame-kun as a rival who manages to constantly piss her off. While wondering out loud to herself, her sister whom overhears Chika, gives her a perfume necklace which supposedly able to capture a guy's heart.